There are a lot of credit cards out there that offer almost the same type of perks and benefits. Many offer cashback rewards or travel rewards just to make you apply for that credit card. Most of them have the most archaic style of winning you over.
With the Neon Mastercard, they plan on enticing you with more modern takes on the usual credit card that you see. You can apply for the credit card all within their mobile app, and you get to partake in different benefits that are very different from what you usually have with many other credit cards.
If you're interested in learning more about the Neon Mastercard and how it modernizes credit card use, check out the article below. This guide also explains how to apply for the card.
Neon Mastercard Perks and Benefits
The Neon Mastercard offers great benefits to every cardholder and aims to modernize the way we think and use credit cards.
Its host of benefits is designed to enhance the lifestyle of its cardholders by helping them achieve financial well-being.
There are a lot of things to love about the Neon Mastercard, which includes zero annual fees, no reloading fee, and even free transactions every day. These are just some of the best perks, which you can learn more about below.
Most Favorable Exchange Rates
When it comes to the most favorable exchange rates, you might think that there are many other credit cards that offer such benefits.
You'd be surprised to know that only the Neon Mastercard has the best exchange rate, and you won't have to look anywhere else.
There are no surcharges when you use the card abroad for purchases and many other transactions. However, you will be charged a 1.5% surcharge if you withdraw cash abroad.
Zero Annual Fee
Many people often want to rethink their choice when they are being offered an annual fee for a credit card that boasts a lot of features.
With the Neon Mastercard, you will never have to pay a single cent by just using and maintaining your credit card.
There is no annual fee for using the card but you will be charged with a one-time fee of 10 francs for mailing your credit card to your address. After that, you will never have to pay any extra charges when you use your credit card anywhere.
Link the Card to Your Favorite Digital Wallet
Digital wallets and mobile payments are fast becoming the best choices for paying your next transaction. Neon knows this too well, hence why they also offer mobile payments and many other contactless payment methods to Neon Mastercard cardholders.
All you need to do is link the credit card to your favorite digital wallet such as your Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Swatch Pay, and many others.
Upon linking the accounts, you can use your digital wallet to pay for your purchase and perform many other transactions in a safer method.
Security Features
The Neon Mastercard boasts some of the best security features for a credit card.
Not only does it provide contactless payment options to make every transaction safer, but it also has an encryption system that protects your information from being stolen.
You also receive notification for every transaction that you make so you will always be on top of everything.
Interest Rates and Other Charges
The interest rate for the Neon Mastercard is not mentioned on the website, but you will find out your specific rate once you apply for the card or open an account.
Cash withdrawals within Switzerland will be free of charge for the first two withdrawals; after that, you will be charged CHF 2 for every withdrawal you make with the card.
There is also the 1.5% surcharge mentioned above for overseas cash withdrawals. However, you will not be charged any fee whenever you use the card abroad or online for purchases using foreign currencies.
You will not be charged with any administrative fee. Lastly, you will be charged CHF 20 for the replacement card.
Contact Details
The Neon Mastercard is issued by Hypothekarbank Lenzburg. You can contact their customer service hotline at +41 (0)62 885 11 11 or their banking hotline at +41 (0)800 813 913.
You can also visit their main office located at Bahnhofstrasse 2 Lenzburg, AARGAU, 5600 Switzerland.
How to Apply for the Neon Mastercard
Neon Mastercard has revolutionized the way people can apply for such an amazing credit card.
You can apply and get approved in a matter of minutes with this credit card. Here are the things that you can do.
Check Out These Requirements
There's not a lot to think about when it comes to the requirements for opening an account and applying for a Neon Mastercard.
To open an account, you need only be of legal age and a resident of Switzerland.
To be eligible for the application, you are also required to submit documents for tax purposes and any valid identity document.
Download the App
Next, you need to download the app and sign up for an account. It only takes about 10 minutes to create an account. Log in to your account and apply for the card. Enter your details and choose which card you want to have.
Confirm your identity by submitting a copy of your ID and any other required documents on the app.
You might receive a video call on the app to confirm the submitted documents. After that, you should already receive your approval.
Receiving Your Card
After receiving the approval, your card will be sent to you by mail using the address that you entered during account registration.
You can now transfer your funds and link your card to your digital wallet at this point while waiting for your physical card.
Upon receiving your card, make sure you also link the card to your app to perform online transactions with your card.
Neon Mastercard pushes the way we use credit cards further by shifting the way we use them. With its features and benefits, you get a very stable financial solution that aligns with the needs of modern consumers. Check out the Neon Mastercard and apply for one today!
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.